Perinatal Doula Vists

Covered by Insurance


Our Team of

Perinatal Doulas

Are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational support to expectant parents throughout the journey of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Their role is to offer continuous guidance, encouragement, and advocacy to ensure a positive and empowering experience for the birthing person and their family.


We understand the importance of accessible support during such a transformative time in your life. With insurance coverage, families can benefit from the expert guidance, emotional support, and practical assistance provided by our perinatal doulas without financial strain. Our goal is to ensure that every family has access to the comprehensive care they deserve throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey, without worrying about the cost. By offering insurance coverage for our visits, we aim to empower families to make informed choices, feel supported, and experience the joy of welcoming a new addition to their lives with peace of mind.

  • We offer personalized education, helping families navigate their options, understand the changes happening in their bodies, and prepare for childbirth and life with a new baby.

  • We provide unwavering support, assisting with comfort measures, advocating for the family's wishes, and offering reassurance and guidance to both the birthing person and their partner.

  • We offer invaluable assistance with newborn care, breastfeeding support, emotional wellness, trusted resources, allowing families to rest, recover, and bond with their new addition.

The benefits of their support are multifaceted, including reduced rates of interventions, increased satisfaction with the birth experience, improved breastfeeding outcomes, lower rates of postpartum depression, and enhanced family bonding and confidence in parenting abilities. Overall, perinatal doulas play a crucial role in promoting positive birth experiences and facilitating smoother transitions into parenthood.